We help keep sensitive environments free of outside contaminants This PPE helps workers maintain environmental integrity in places like hospitals, health clinics, and cleanrooms withstanding high levels of fluid. KNOW MORE

Heavy-Duty SMS Shoe Covers

Heavy-duty SMS shoe covers provide increased strength and are available with or without skid-resistant tread.

Poly-coated high-top shoe covers

Check out our poly-coated high-top shoe covers, made for fluid-intensive conditions. ASTM-rated options are available.

Spunbond Shoe Covers

Spunbond polypropylene shoe covers, available with or without skid-resistant tread, are lightweight and comfortable.

Shoe Covers

We’re in an unprecedented time, and there is immense demand in the healthcare ecosystem. We are doing everything we can to support the needs of our customers and partners during this pandemic.

Our Shoe covers help keep sensitive environments free of outside contaminants like germs, dirt, organic matter like leaves or twigs, and lint. This personal protective equipment (PPE) helps workers maintain environmental integrity in places like hospitals, health clinics, and cleanrooms, and can help protect footwear from being stained by chemicals or paint. Shoe covers are built with non-skid material, and can withstand high levels of fluid without breaking down. Our boot covers are large enough to fit over work shoes and pass the NFPA 99 criteria for antistatic material.



As part of our social responsibility we believe in giving back to the community by paving ways to become a self sustainable socity.


We enjoy custom & so they deserve our service-timely, responsive & pro-actively meeting their needs, aiming to delight with excellent service.


We embrance innovation & drive change with an open mindset to improve our service offering.


We believe in a safe working environment for both our employees & customers.


Please call or email contact form and we will be happy to assist you.